Vsa nacionalna poročila so v angleškem jeziku in v pdf obliki:
1. Urška Marentič (WP 3) - Status of implementation of the National Qualifications Frameworks and sectoral frameworks in Slovenia
2. Barbara Kunčič (WP 4) - Status of the output orientation of the training ordinances in VET programmes in Slovenia
3. Darja Štrakl (WP 5) - Identification of dominating qualifications in the sectors: automotive technology, metal technology, electrical technology
4. Urška Marentič in Barbara Kunčič (WP 6) - Identifying, describing and categorizing the structures of sectoral qualifications frameworks or ‘sectoral approaches’ in the three sectors
5. Urška Marentič in Barbara Kunčič (WP 7) - Status of implementation of the National Qualifications Frameworks and sectoral frameworks in Slovenia
6. Urška Marentič (WP 8) - Occupational standards in Slovenia
7. Urška Marentič (WP 9) - Comparing Slovenian qualifications framework with the EQF
8. Urška Marentič (WP 10) - Learning results oriented design of SQF (sectoral qualifications framework)
9. Borut Mikulec (WP 11) - Tentative assignment of qualifications to the levels of qualifications frameworks (preferably the EQF levels 3-5)
10. Borut Mikulec (WP 12) - Draft guidelines I – for Stakeholders for implementation of NQFs and SQFs and assignment of qualifications
11. Occupational Standard and VET programme - Processor of metals/Toolmaker
12. Povzetek rezultatov projekta